


Why do some people never read books but their vision

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Why do some people never read books but their vision, way of thinking and way of doing things are so outstanding?

Powerful people have one thing in common: their "thinking" is already at a higher level.

Today I want to introduce you is ** "NLP Level of understanding", ** it divides the understanding of a thing into 6 different levels, and these levels are high and low.

Let's first imagine such a scene:

Suppose you are a store agent of "a certain brand sneakers". The store has been open in downtown Shanghai for many years. You have hired some people to help you run it.

But recently, you find that the business is getting worse and worse, the sales have been declining, and you also find that the "purchase price" of some shoes is even higher than the "retail price" on Taobao. Many customers come to the store to visit the shop, and finally go to the online order.

On top of that, as business gets worse and worse, the people in your store are becoming more negative, and when customers come in, they're less willing to respond...

You see this and you get very angry, but just as you are about to get angry, one of your employees comes running up to you and offers to resign...

Also, rents in this area are getting more expensive; Inventories are piling up because they are unsellable; Even in your downtown area, there are fewer people shopping now...

Your shop has already started to lose money, and you have invested a lot of decoration costs and inventory before. If you close down now, your loss will be very big. What should you do?

Ok, you can press the pause button, pause here for 30 seconds, imagine yourself is the agent, please tell me at this time, what will you do?

Some people say it's possible to say:

Besides, is the landlord an idiot? Fewer people go shopping, but he still raises my rent and lets people live! The most outrageous thing is, what is wrong with the young people today? Even if I feel a little pressure, this man will run away. It is really no better than our young generation..."

Of course, there are some people who think this way, he may think in his heart:

"The staff is not active, must be not enough incentive, then I will add money, not only a few pairs of shoes, I don't believe that I can't sell, from tomorrow, I personally come to the store... In addition, last month we ordered a number of shoes? This month we make more phone calls, do more business customers! If we can't, we can also open a Taobao store and sell shoes online!"

There is another kind of person, his thinking and the first two are not quite the same, he may think like this:

"Maybe it's not the problem of our management ability, let alone the staff, but The Times have changed and the game is different, just like how can the ancient people beat the modern people? So I still need to learn something new, such as new retail, O2O, experience economy, community economy... Wait, let's see if we can find some solutions in it, or get to know the peers how they do it. It seems that some of them are still living quite well, these two days, first find a peer group, go to learn..."

You see, why do people react and solve the same problem so differently?

Some people complain about the environment, some people become more diligent, and some people choose to study?

Which is the right way?

Here, we need to use a new concept to explain this phenomenon, this concept is called: NLP understanding level.

_ Explain, NLP (Chinese name: Neuro-linguistic programming (http://bbs.tamanyuan.top)) is a discipline founded in 1976 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Many world celebrities have received NLP training, and _ _ _ % of the world's top 500 enterprises have used NLP to train their employees, and "understanding level" is a core concept in NLP. _

The idea of a level of understanding is that everything in the world that we relate to, we assign some meaning to it. For example, in the previous example, some people might think that "it's all Jack Ma's fault"! This is the meaning he gives.

However, each person has a different meaning to the same thing, so our understanding will be different, and different understanding, we will of course give different solutions.

"NLP Level of understanding" divides the understanding of a thing into six different levels, and this level is high and low.

If you look at it from a low dimensional perspective, it feels like it's impossible to solve. But when you look at it from a higher dimension, it may become such a simple problem that even the problem itself disappears. Just like in the days of the horse-drawn carriage, everyone was looking for a faster horse, but when the automobile was invented, this problem disappeared because the speed of the horse became irrelevant.

Ok, so that's all the groundwork, so how do we use layers of understanding?

To help you understand, we've divided polarizing people into six different types, based on the level of understanding each person has. The higher the level of understanding, the better the ability to solve problems.

Then, let's start from the case of offline stores and see how these six types of people think and how to solve this problem respectively:

Let's start with the first level: the environment.

The typical thinking pattern for people at this level is: It's all your fault!

What is the environment? Everything except yourself is the environment, such as the people around you; Your boss, your colleagues; Your company; Your competitors; The market environment; The weather; Public opinion... And so on.

People at this level of understanding, when a problem occurs, he will first attribute the problem to the "bad environment" caused by the problem. For example:

l Work is not going well because the leader is an idiot...

l There is no chance of promotion because the office politics of the company are too serious and there is no good promotion mechanism...

l The house is too expensive to buy, because of the evil real estate speculators, the government is unable to control, and I don't have a rich father...

In a word, this problem occurred, not because of me, but because of others, the company, the market, the government, and luck. I was born in such an era and met such a group of people...

And the way he looks for solutions, he also thinks in terms of changing the environment. For example:

l This company is not good, so I don't have a chance of promotion, so I will change the company...

l found a boyfriend, and now I am getting worse and worse, how to do? Let's get another one...

I don't know if you usually have contact with this kind of people, as long as the contact with them, you will feel the world is really too bad! The surrounding environment is not good, people around him are targeting him, every day can also encounter a bunch of bad things, minutes feel that they are going to live...

We often call this behavior "complaining," but have you ever told these people not to complain? Also, they seem to know that complaining is bad, but why do they keep complaining?

That is because their understanding level is at the lowest "environmental level", their understanding of the world is trapped in this level, not because they want to complain, but in his eyes, except to see the environment, can not see anything else. Therefore, the best thing they can think of is to get a better environment...

So, if this person is facing the dilemma in this case, he seems to have no other reason than complaining about rent, Taobao, employees...

Well, let's go up one level to the second level of understanding: behavior

The typical thinking pattern of a person at the behavioral level (http://bbs.tamanyuan.top) is: I'm not trying hard enough!

That is to say, when such people encounter problems, they usually say: "If you want to solve the problem, you have to take action! I can't change the environment, only myself can change! Why haven't I succeeded? It's because I haven't worked hard enough!

Does that sound like chicken soup? Kind of like success learning, right?

People at this level of understanding, in the eyes of outsiders, are very optimistic and full of positive energy, they never compromise the environment, they believe that God does not give up, as long as you keep working hard, things will surely turn around! They are the eyes of others "[action] (https://www.zhihu.com/search?q= action & search_source = Entity&hybrid _search_source = Entity&hybrid _search_extra = { "sourceType":"answer","sourceId":2290329479}) "," Doer "...

At this level, he first attributes the problem to "because I'm not trying hard enough." For example:

Low income? Because I haven't tried hard enough...

Can't afford a house? Because I haven't tried hard enough...

l Failed to start a business? Because I haven't tried hard enough...

In a word, when there is a problem, find the reason from yourself first and see if you are lazy. Are you not trying hard enough? Do you need more work?

If you are at the "action" level, the "environment" becomes less important, because it is all because you have not tried hard enough! To solve a problem, you also look for solutions at the "behavioral" level, such as:

I haven't had a raise in a year. I'll be working an extra hour tonight!

Why is my girlfriend giving me the cold shoulder recently? I want more messages, more phone calls to care about her!

Is the performance of the company getting worse? I must be sleeping too much. I won't sleep from tomorrow on!

OK, what would this person do if he had this problem with offline stores?

He might think, "I pay 24 hours rent, but I'm only open for 8 hours! How can that work? Tomorrow it's open for 24 hours, and I'll be in the store all day selling!

But can all problems be solved with hard work? Do people who work harder achieve more?

Actually, it's not...

200 years ago, the average working day was 16 hours... They may be more diligent than you, but their personal output is less than one tenth of the modern society. Why?

Because hard work is indeed a necessary condition for success, but far from a sufficient condition.

Why do so many people hate chicken soup these days? Against success? Just because they tell you to work hard, they don't give you the means, they just help you get out of the lowest "environment level" and into the second lowest "behavior level"! Thought to give you a shot of chicken blood, you began to struggle, you will be able to succeed!

Isn't this kind of logic a little naive?

The solution of problems and the progress of The Times can not only rely on "hard work", there must be more important factors behind the push, we need to go to a higher level...

Let's go on to the third layer, it's called: ability

At this level, his typical mode of thinking is: there are always more ways than problems!

You see, for example, people in agricultural times were busier than we are, but they were less than 10,000 times as productive as modern people. Why?

